Level up digital employee experience — India

We're bringing our brand new and exclusive 2022 Intranet Masterclass online for India. In this FREE seminar, we’ll show you how to level up your digital employee experience with insights from the people that deliver world-class solutions for the largest global workforces.

Intranet Masterclass

Employee experience matters more than ever

Great enterprise leaders have always known that when they take care of their people, their people take care of business. But for the first time ever, the need for great employee experience is being recognized above the need for great customer experience.

According to new research by Edelman, 74% of investors say that a company’s ability to win the best talent is more important than attracting new customers. And it’s not just investors that are placing a premium on how companies treat their employees; customers are demanding more too. 90% of consumers say that brands that do not prioritize the wellbeing of their employees above all else will lose their loyalty.

It’s been a long time coming, but in 2022 the employee experience era has truly arrived. And what’s more, it’s undergoing a digital revolution.

Digital employee experience is the new competitive frontier

Just as the pressure to deliver world-class employee experience reaches its peak, the rulebook on how to execute is being rewritten. As the importance of the physical workplace fades, the importance of the digital workplace intensifies. Massive investments in new technologies are powering new ways of working and the businesses that are getting it right are making big gains.

The most innovative enterprises of tomorrow are focusing on how to create the best digital employee experience today. The war for talent and battle for engagement is being fought on the digital experience frontier. It’s time for forward-thinking leaders to conquer digital experience transformation or risk losing their best people to the competition.

Kickstart your journey to world-class DEX

Unily works with the world's biggest enterprises to bring digital employee experience visions to life. Our masterclasses are designed to give you the knowledge and insights you need to kickstart a DEX strategy that meets your employees’ needs and sets your enterprise up for future success.

What does world-class digital employee experience look like? By the end of this masterclass, you won’t just be able to define it, you’ll have the tools to create it. Discover examples of enterprises leading the way, tap into the research that’s shaping attitudes, and hear from the experts guiding the biggest brands to success.

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Who should attend?

Unily’s masterclasses are attended by executives from leading brands from every corner of the globe. Whether you work in internal comms, HR or IT, you play a crucial role in shaping employee experience at your enterprise. Employees are relying on your dedication and ingenuity to create the experiences that keep them engaged and connected at work. Our masterclass agenda is designed specifically to support you in executing on your goals and taking your role by storm – our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and insights to create a digital employee experience strategy that’s right for your enterprise and your people. Still not convinced? Hear what our previous attendees have to say…

"Overall fantastic session with good discussion elements."

Uma Maheshwaran - Employee Experience Specialist at Mercedes Benz

"Fantastic event and great speakers!"

Raj-Kabir Birk - Internal Communications Manager at Walmart

"Great tips for the future redesign of Ford's intranet."

Alisson Westlund - Product Designer at Ford

"Valuable session with lots of insights."

Megan Schumacher - Sr Manager HR at Amazon

Past highlights

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