Reinvent your intranet as a digital HQ — San Diego, CA

We're taking our exclusive Intranet Masterclass online for San Diego, CA. Learn how to build the hybrid office of the future and level up culture with a digital HQ at our FREE virtual seminar.

Intranet masterclass San Diego, CA

The intranet as a digital HQ: building the hybrid office of the future

Forget the corporate cafeteria and windowed conference room. In the new world of work, your headquarters will not be confined to a singular campus. Instead, the hub of your workforce is going digital, with your intranet slated to take on the role your flagship office once played. 

Your new digital headquarters has something to offer that no traditional office space can: an agile, all-inclusive home for your people, culture, and knowledge that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Regardless of how many worksites and office spaces you have, or how disparate your employees, your intranet will be the common thread that unites your entire workforce and keeps colleagues connected wherever they are.

"Companies are grappling with how to recreate the office and its culture in a virtual environment. They need a place for people to connect, communicate, vent and share. Just like they would normally do."

Reboot culture with an intranet HQ

Can your social networking tools really recreate watercooler chat? Is it possible to build camaraderie virtually? And how has COVID-19 and the shift to remote work impacted your corporate culture? 

Contrary to expectations, productivity and collaboration increased throughout 2020, while corporate culture suffered. Cloud technology investments enabled the transition to remote work for most office workers but did not fill the cultural gap that a shared physical space provides. Given that companies that proactively manage culture enjoy 516% higher revenue rates, much of the success of the next decade will predicate on an organization's ability to nurture their culture now with a well-honed digital strategy.

While some elements of your approach may look different in your intranet headquarters, ultimately, creating a compelling culture comes down to the values your employees share and the way they connect. Consequently, with the right strategy, your intranet can serve as the hub that brings your culture to life.  

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

Peter Drucker -

What will you learn?

This masterclass will give you the building blocks to create the digital headquarters your employees are looking for. From building trust through leadership comms to leveling up productivity, you’ll have the chance to learn how to leverage your intranet to recreate and enhance the office experience virtually.  

We’ll also share insights on designing user-centric solutions, with real-life examples from our customer community. At the end, we’ll open the forum so that you can get answers to your most pressing questions about the future of the digital HQ. 

Unily works with the world's biggest brands to elevate employee experience including: McDonald's, Shell and L'Oréal. This masterclass is an opportunity to apply their best practice to your initiative.

  • Discover how to rethink your intranet strategy for the new world of work
  • Learn best practice for fueling culture with an intranet
  • See what leading brands are doing with digital workplace technology to drive engagement
  • Explore the art of the possible with the latest intranet innovations
  • Uncover key trends and the latest research 
  • Network with a community of like-minded peers from leading enterprises
  • One-on-one time with the Unily team – get your questions answered

Join the 3k+ enterprise executives who have used Unily's #IntranetMasterclass to take their jobs by storm.

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What attendees say

"Overall fantastic session with good discussion elements."

Uma Maheshwaran - Employee Experience Specialist at Mercedes Benz

"Fantastic event and great speakers!"

Raj-Kabir Birk - Internal Communications Manager at Walmart

"Great tips for the future redesign of Ford's intranet."

Alisson Westlund - Product Designer at Ford

"Valuable session with lots of insights."

Megan Schumacher - Sr Manager HR at Amazon

Past highlights

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