How to maximize employee engagement with an intranet - Melbourne

We're bringing our exclusive Intranet Masterclass to Melbourne. In this FREE seminar co-hosted with Microsoft, we’ll show you how to maximize employee engagement with a fully-featured intranet.

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According to Gallup, a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged and companies who succeed at engaging their workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.

Supplying employees with an environment in which they can thrive and achieve their potential has become essential to maintaining a productive and innovative workforce. That's why market leaders from all sectors are turning to company intranets as a means to increase employee engagement and maximize workforce productivity. How are they doing it? We'll show you. 

This masterclass will provide an extensive overview of the challenges and solutions involved with creating an engaging employee experience intranet. Having worked with the world's leading brands in a cross-section of industries, we have built up an enviable arsenal of knowledge that will help you engage your workforce like never before. This an opportunity to learn how you can create an intranet that revolutionizes employee experience for your enterprise.

Attendees will be given an exclusive look inside Nielsen Norman's Best Intranet 2019 award winner Flight Centre. We'll show you how Flight Centre created an award-winning intranet that engages employees and drives a more productive and innovative culture.

Who should attend?

This event is designed for Internal Communications teams, HR professionals, IT people, Intranet Managers and anyone with an interest in developing a modern intranet. Whether you have an intranet that you're seeking to improve or starting from scratch, this masterclass will equip with the knowledge and drive to move forward with your project.

What will you learn?

This masterclass will equip you with an actionable plan for maximizing employee engagement using an intranet. You will learn how some of the world's leading enterprises have developed intranets that spark employee engagement and discover how you can employ similar strategies tailored to your unique business goals. You will leave the masterclass with sacks of inspiration, ideas and a comprehensive understanding of how to maximize your technology investment from a team responsible for thousands of successful intranet projects.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact [email protected]

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