Unily releases Future of the Sustainable Workplace Report in partnership with Dr. Leyla Acaroglu

Unily is pleased to announce the launch of our newest report, the Future the Sustainable Workplace in the age of COVID-19 and Climate Change. In partnership with renowned sustainability expert, Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, we explore how sustainability and climate change are shaping how we work and live, and how the pandemic is presenting opportunities to redesign our workplaces for a more sustainable future.

Lady sitting on a skateboard surrounded by leaves whilst listening to music

A closer look at the Future of the Sustainable Workplace in the Age Of COVID-19 and Climate Change report 

We are living in a time of great and immediate change, and COVID-19 and climate change are just two of the most obvious forces impacting our way of life. Through trend analysis, employee surveys, expert interviews, and case studies, our new report highlights the ways the pandemic and climate change are shaping the future of work. 

The report is separated into three main sections, which include: 

#1. Megatrends

The massive cultural shifts that unfold in real-time, creating identifiable patterns that can be observed and interacted with as they emerge to affect society at large. These include elements such as climate change adaption, the transition to the circular economy, resource scarcity, and the zero-waste movement.

#2. Forces of change

Even before COVID-19, businesses were encountering emerging disruptions, with several forces of change playing out, including The Green Recovery, the 4th industrial revolution, and 2030 Global Goals.

#3. The diagnostic toolkit

The toolkit is designed to help you assess your current sustainability and climate-positive journey so that you can take action. Establish where you are now and frame a strategy you can employ to enhance your organization’s sustainability journey.

Who is Leyla Acaroglu? 

Dr. Leyla Acaroglu is a designer and sociologist at the forefront of advancing the transition to a sustainable and circular future. Her work covers many fields from creative, production, applied research, behavioral economics, educational design, and sustainability sciences. 

Unily 2020 Census insights reveal employees care about sustainability  

As part of our report, we aimed to answer one pressing question: how will these forces of change and megatrends impact how employees feel about sustainability in the workplace? To investigate this, we teamed up with Censuswide to launch our own Unily 2020 Census, which surveyed 2k UK office workers of all ages in August 2020. 

Some key findings include:  

  • 83% of respondents believe that their company is not doing enough to tackle climate issues 
  • 80% of respondents say their organization’s environmental values are either not aligned or only partially aligned with their own  
  • 65% of participants noted that they are more likely to work for a company with a strong environmental policy 
Unily census 2020

Beginning our own sustainability journey together 

We’re using the findings from The Future of Workplace Sustainability Report to inspire our own carbon-positive changes. Stay tuned for more updates on what we’re doing to make Unily more sustainable, and download the report today to find out how you can join us on the journey to become a sustainable workplace of the future. 

Unily Future of the Sustainable Workplace Guide front cover


Future of the sustainable workplace in the age of COVID-19 and climate change

We are living in a time of great and immediate change. COVID-19 and climate change are just two of the most obvious forces impacting our way of life. With mass disruptions promising to transform how we work and live, sustainability is rising on the global agenda. Discover how the pandemic is presenting new opportunities to accelerate the transition to sustainable workplaces in our newly released report.

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