Unily launches new native video capability

In the modern world where content moves fast, only the most exciting and engaging material will catch people’s attention. Using Unily’s brand new native video capabilities you can elevate your intranet content to be more engaging and more impactful. With social video uploads and the ability to access all this rich media across any device, your employee engagement will be better than ever.

Why native video content is the real king

As reported by Cisco, by 2022, 82% of all internet traffic will come from video streaming and downloads.

The age-old adage is that content is king, but all stats point towards video content being the real king. Video provides the vitality and immediacy that modern audiences, who regularly consume video content on consumer platforms like YouTube or Netflix, crave. It is with this in mind that we’re delighted to bring you Unily’s brand new native video capabilities. Powered by cutting edge Azure Media Services, Unily’s native video feature delivers smarter AI-based content tagging and transcripts, as well as delivering unparalleled performance, so you can engage your people better than ever before.

With native video content, you get to control your videos directly within your intranet CMS, so that you’re not sending content managers out to third-party video platforms. Instead, you’re offering consistent and highly secure video experiences for all employees, which on average generate 530% more engagement via comments and reactions.

Upload videos directly into your intranet

Unily’s all-new native video content can now play a leading role in your content strategy. Unily lets you upload videos directly into our intuitive CMS, to then be used across any area of your intranet, opening the door to new and impactful opportunities across your organization.

Internal communicators can lead with video content in announcements, thought leadership articles and the latest business news to fuel engagement with messages. Marketing can supercharge their reach and efforts with promotional videos delivered on departmental pages. HR can get new hires up to speed with handy quick start video guides in an onboarding site. Business leaders can be seen and heard through leadership vlogs and so much more.

Unily native video for enterprise social channels

Smarter video experiences

Creating amazing content in your intranet is essential to keeping employee engagement levels high and delivering maximum return on investment from your platform. It is also time-consuming! With Unily’s new native video capabilities your content managers will benefit from the introduction of AI-based automatic metadata extraction and transcript generation, so your video content-heavy lifting is done for you. In addition, Unily’s new search capabilities take full advantage of this information to provide even more accurate searches for your users.

Increase engagement with social video sharing and vlogging

Content creators are big news – Casey Neistat, for one, has at this point 11.9 million subscribers on YouTube. There is even a YouTube Creator Academy that teaches people how to vlog, from shooting videos on their mobile to promotional tips. We believe that vlogging can have a similar impact in the enterprise space, where reaching and engaging your audience with authentic messaging is vital.

You can set up a social channel in Unily in seconds to encourage your people to share the latest best practices or discuss hot topics like remote work. You could record a tour of your remote working set up, then simply upload the video to a social post in seconds. It’s that simple to record, upload, and share videos for immediate impact, without the need to go to external video management sites.

Unily native video upload and share enterprise native video

Deliver mobile-first video features

According to eMarketer, more than 75% of video viewership is on mobile. Before smartphones, people carried bulky camcorders to record videos, but today it is second nature to both record and watch highly engaging video content every day on our phones. With Unily, you are tapping into modern audiences’ preferences, by offering them the ability to shoot and post their content instantly through an enterprise intranet app.

Are you looking for incredible native video capabilities?

Unily can help you increase your engagement with our native video capabilities – get in touch to set up a demo.

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