
Unily comes out on top as ‘intranet choice Europe and North America’ in Clearbox intranet report

Unily has come out on top in Clearbox Consulting’s ‘SharePoint intranets-in-a-box report 2018’. The latest report introduces new categories to highlight products that “stand out” with Unily named as ‘Intranet Choice – Europe’ and ‘Intranet Choice – North America’ – the only product named in both categories.

unily clearbox consulting report

Clearbox Consulting’s new ‘SharePoint intranets-in-a-box report 2018’ was launched today, featuring comparisons between 34 turnkey products available on the market. We are delighted to see Unily leading the pack in the report, highlighted as ‘Intranet Choice’ in both Europe and North America, the only product featured in both categories. Read more on the Intranet Choice winners here

Unily sees top rankings across the report, well above average in every category which include News Publishing, User Experience, Social & Knowledge Management, Search, Analytics, Employee Services, Integration and Wildcard. Clearbox describe Unily as “a well-designed intranet-as-a-service from BrightStarr, designed to support communication and collaboration any device, anywhere.

About the report

Clearbox Consulting’s comprehensive guide to turnkey SharePoint solutions is designed to accelerate purchasing decisions and help organisations make the right choice of solution, from SharePoint plug-ins to fully features intranet products such as Unily. The report is the largest of its kind comparing 34 vendors across the world. The report compares product capability across common scenarios based on Claerbox’s experience of SharePoint Consulting.

At 430 pages, the report has involved coordinating over 100 people across vendors and the Clearbox production team. Five team members reviewed 34 products, covering strengths, weaknesses, and the most impressive features. Since the previous year’s report, some key changes have been made:

  • New scoring system
  • Twelve new products reviewed in depth
  • Eight revised scenarios with new topics on search and integration
  • More information on vendor support, product compatibility, and update processes
  • More information for very large organisations, inc. multiple brand and language support
  • Eight short product listings for newer and niche offerings
  • ‘Intranet Choice’ section – signposting for your shortlist

How is Unily different from the other 33?

A large proportion of products evaluated are named as “intranet accelerators” designed to improve user experience of SharePoint and Office 365 by offering templates with drag and drop functionality. Unily was designed for a different purpose, to provide a complete intranet platform to empower employees, which stands alone from Office 365 and SharePoint and simply integrates with the tools for the best user experience.

This independent architecture provides maximum flexibility for integration and customization, while offering optimum performance and content management for employees around the globe.

How to get the report?

The report is available for purchase via Clearbox’s website here.

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