As a leading global design firm with 22k employees spread across six continents, Stantec required a platform that would unite its disparate employees. The global engineering, consulting, and construction firm envisioned an internal news room where employees could interact with company news as one. Recognising Unily's expertise in building multilingual platforms designed with a global workforce in mind, Stantec turned to Unily for a solution. As well as delivering multilingual access to the company’s internal news content, the news room will have social integration features designed to promote cross-border collaboration. Stantec is using their digital workplace platform to enhance the ability for employees to connect and share their stories and successes, fostering the sense of community on which they pride their brand.
Explore how Stantec launched an optimized internal newsroom designed to fuel an inspired culture.
Unily has worked with customers from all verticals to develop unique digital experiences that transform communication, collaboration, engagement and productivity. Every project we take on is another opportunity to demonstrate both the power and agility of our platform.
In 2014, Pitney Bowes began to re-imagine its business and a big part of that was a complete re-brand. To keep employees informed during this period of transition, it needed a new intranet to engage employees – fast.
To usher in the next generation of ingenuity, Crayola sought a digital workplace that would drive collaboration and unlock every game-changing idea from head office to factory floor.
Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores is the United States’ leading travel stop network. With more than 30k employees across the United States, 75% of whom are deskless and frontline, The Love’s Family of Companies needed a way to connect team members on the road, at their desks, and working on the shop floors.