Celebrating Unily client innovations at Unite 21 awards
At the Unite 21 awards, we got the chance to give our thanks and celebrate the innovations our customers have achieved with Unily. Now, you can watch Unite on-demand to get a glimpse of award-winning employee experiences.
A showcase of employee engagement excellence
Unite 21 took the #1 employee experience conference digital, live streaming 27 speakers, 16 sessions, 2 fitness classes, and multiple roundtables to 3k+ attendees over 3 action-packed days. We were joined by some of the brightest minds in internal communications, HR, and IT to discuss how to take employee experience to the next level.
It marked the first time the Unite conference was held completely online and the return of our very own Unite awards. The awards were a chance to celebrate the successes and innovations from Unily clients around the world and shine a spotlight on the intranets they use to connect, engage, and empower global workforces.
With Unite wrapped up for another year, we’re looking back at the awards to give you a summary of the work our clients put into employee engagement. You can find a recap of the categories, finalists, and winners to see what makes an award-winning employee experience.
Best homepage award
The best homepage award gave our audience the chance to cast their vote and have their say in the Unite 21 awards. Three finalists pitched their homepage design and the strategic decisions behind these designs, with the audience then voting live to determine a winner.
It was a hotly contested category, and the voting came down to the wire. We saw an early lead in the polls slowly chipped away and, eventually, a last-second vie for the top spot saw Caliber Collision named this year’s winner of the Best homepage award, closely followed by Chalhoub Group and WACKER Chemie.
Winner: Caliber Collision
Congratulations to Caliber Collision, whose intranet homepage stands as an excellent example of how to convey culture through design.
Best crisis campaign award
The best crisis campaign award was a chance to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of Unily clients to keep their workforces informed and supported throughout the pandemic. When the intranet stepped up as an invaluable lifeline – a go-to source of trusted information and support – these clients went above and beyond in their crisis response.
Winner: Cognizant
The winner of the best crisis response award at Unite 21 was Cognizant. Cognizant offered holistic support and advice throughout the pandemic to employees and even their friends and families, helping guide everyone through turbulent times.
Most innovative campaign award
A powerful communications campaign brings people together, aligned to a message, cause, or initiative. For this award, we received a broad range of entries that saw enterprises leverage their intranet to launch engaging campaigns aimed at everything from health and fitness to ‘top secret’ missions.
Winner: ICE Mortgage Technology
Congratulations to ICE Mortgage Technology for their ‘The Mission’ campaign announcing the launch of their intranet. Their campaign video, featuring Ellie Mae CEO Jonathan Corr's “top secret” message, made for some great entertainment during the awards.
Community ambassador award
The exclusive Universe customer community portal is a hive of knowledge and inspiration, home to an active global community and a library of training resources. Fueled by knowledge sharing, ideation, and community support, Universe is a driving force for the Unily platform and an invaluable resource to Unily clients.
At Unite 21, we wanted to give our thanks to members of the Universe community that go above and beyond to contribute to a thriving customer community.
Winner: Margie Dolch - Celanese
With the community ambassador award, we celebrated one of the most active, helpful, and inspiring members of the Universe community. Congratulations Margie Dolch and thank you for all your efforts! By consistently reaching out to help other community members with their issues and questions, I’m sure we’re not alone in wanting to express our gratitude!
Catch up on anything you missed
Don’t forget you can still access all the sessions on-demand if you missed anything, or simply want to re-watch.