Unite 20 update: we will unite again
First, we want to say to everyone playing their part to support their communities, overcome challenges, and spread kindness - thank you. It is this spirit of unity that shines a light in dark times.
It's with regret, we announce that Unite 20 will be postponed to 2021. We know you have more important things to focus on at this time, so we'll keep this simple.
All tickets and hotel rooms will be canceled and refunded within 14 days. If you would like your reservations moved to Unite 21 (Jun 9-10, 2021 in Brooklyn, NY), please let us know.
The response we've had for Unite 20 has been amazing and we'd like to thank everyone who registered to attend this year. We were looking forward to making Unite an experience to be remembered. All is not lost, please look out for virtual events on Universe and unily.com that are running throughout the year. Our goal with all events is to inspire you and help solve your challenges, and we will continue to do so.
Take care of yourselves and each other. We will Unite again. #Unite21
For more information, visit our Unite digital workplace conference page.