Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores is the United States’ leading travel stop network, providing professional truck drivers and motorists with 24-hour access to clean and safe places to purchase gasoline, diesel fuel, fresh coffee, restaurant offerings, and more. With more than 30k employees across the United States, 75% of whom are deskless and frontline, The Love’s Family of Companies needed a way to connect team members on the road, at their desks, and working on the shop floors.
Given the breadth of employees’ roles and responsibilities, Love’s could not take a one-size-fits-all approach to digitalization. So, Love’s worked with Unily to overhaul its previous intranet with a cloud-based, mobile-optimized platform that would enhance engagement through personalized experiences and cultural initiatives that everyone could participate in.
Unily has worked with customers from all verticals to develop unique digital experiences that transform communication, collaboration, engagement and productivity. Every project we take on is another opportunity to demonstrate both the power and agility of our platform.
Before Unily, Wipro employees were digging through a collection of siloed portals to access what they needed to succeed at work. Today, The Dot is connecting 230k colleagues around the world with everything they need to stay productive and engaged.
For nearly 40 years, Canon has delivered products and services across the Oceania region to inspire and innovate. With more than 2k staffers spread across areas including Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines, Canon sought to launch a centralized digital workplace that would connect, engage, and drive efficiency in a dispersed workforce.
As part of a wider vision for digital transformation, leading recruitment brand The Adecco Group, embarked on a mission to transform the working habits of its 9,000-strong workforce with a digital workplace that could reinvent communication, collaboration. and productivity in the workplace.