
5 ways your intranet can improve corporate culture

Think back to your favorite job; beyond cushy work perks or a generous vacation allotment, it was likely the culture of the workplace that earned top honors. The right culture keeps engagement high and turnover low, yet nearly 70% of leaders don't know how to create an effective environment, according to Gartner.

Employees collaborating by utilizing a modern intranet

Workplace culture: a natural revenue booster

In his Harvard Business Review article, Michael D. Watkins likens culture to an organization's immune system, safeguarding an enterprise against "wrong people" and "wrong thinking." 

Much like the body's defenses, workplace culture is a complex structure influenced by external factors. When employees lack the tools needed to perform their roles efficiently, morale is bound to take a hit.

Companies that proactively manage culture demonstrate revenue growth over a 10-year period that is, on average, 516% higher than those who do not. Deloitte

With a digital workplace, enterprises gain a platform with which they can transform culture and redefine how they engage employees.

Best practices for tackling workplace culture

Gartner found that only 3 in 10 HR executives believe their organization has the culture needed to drive performance. Below, we pinpoint crucial steps to help enterprises forge a beneficial environment:

Strengthen communications from day one

Onboarding is instrumental in defining workplace culture. Enterprises that streamline the process through centralized resources can feel confident that they are laying the groundwork for a positive relationship from the start.

intranet resources for new hires

Promote accountability

Goal-driven work should be a cornerstone of corporate culture. Performance standards keep team members accountable, motivated, and consistently on an upward trajectory.

Measure results in real-time

Real-time metrics and analytics help business leaders keep their finger on the pulse and troubleshoot for potential sources of disengagement.

5 ways your intranet can fuel culture

Intranet software bolsters corporate culture by providing tools that support employees through their professional journey. Some key features are as follows:

#1. Feedback forms and engagement metrics

Intranets make it easy for enterprises to efficiently source feedback and turn input into action. Surveys can be distributed to employees, with responses measured in real-time through a variety of metrics that analyze engagement. 

Employee form

#2. Centralized resources

Enterprises can utilize dedicated intranet portal software for onboarding, complete with the latest company news, important policies, essential training, and welcome messages from team members. 

#3. Social networking functionalities

Modern social intranets boast embedded social functions such as @mentions, #hashtags, and bespoke reactions that fuel authentic conversations. A social digital workplace allows employees to build lasting relationships with their coworkers, strengthening workplace culture.

Social center

#4. Spotlight top performers

Every employee deserves to be recognized for a job well done. Digital workplaces come equipped with various spotlighting features such as customizable badges, shout-outs on social media, and homepage takeovers. 

Intranet Awards

#5. Unite your entire organization

Forging one cohesive culture can be particularly challenging for large enterprises with multiple subsidiaries. Digital workplaces bring together every vertical while preserving brand-specific themes.

Client case study: Kantar's brand unification story

Unification proved to be a crucial part of the culture puzzle for Kantar. The global marketing and insight consultancy launched the 'One Kantar' initiative to build a greater sense of cohesion amongst all twelve of its divisions. 'The Source,' the new intranet platform, was designed to serve as a home for this unification story.

kantar homepage takeover

Kantar's digital workplace revolutionized culture by centralizing resources, driving collaboration, and establishing a unified identity.

In launching the new platform, Kantar was able to retire more than a dozen segmented intranets. The Source brought everyone onto the same page and boasts near universal adoption as well as more than 100,000 user sessions each month.

Take your workplace culture to new heights 

Every enterprise needs to prioritize workplace culture in order to reach full potential. If you're interested in utilizing an intranet to transform your organization's culture, get in touch with one of Unily's digital workplace experts today.

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